Unlocking your Organisation Potential
OUR VALUE PROPOSITION. We transform and optimise the organisation of our clients, so that it best enables their strategy, business model and culture.
OUR AIM. We help our clients to achieve their strategic objectives by leveraging on this critical intangible asset.
OUR WAY. Behind each problem lies an opportunity. The larger the problem, the bigger the opportunity. To uncover them, we lever on the strengths of the company, and we use unmatched robust methodologies and tools which provide metrics-based analyses and gradually involve the entire organisation for its sustainable transformation.
Organisation is not about transactional processes only. By far. Organisation includes, as well:
1. The work systems:
– The structure, defining the value proposition of each entity and each function, and their hierarchical / functional relationships
– The processes and split/share of accountabilities at strategic and tactical levels, and uncovering the responsibilities and added value of each role in the creation of value to the client
– The required manpower and competencies, seized to meet end client expectations at optimal efficiency
– The tools that enable work effectiveness and collaboration: workspace and information systems.
It further critically includes:
2. The people systems, i.e. the human capital management policies and strategies, especially the talent, performance and recognition ones, in plain coherence with the accountabilities of units and individuals, and with the organisational values,
and last but not least:
3. The governance, culture and leadership principles, that drives the organisation toward its purpose and ultimate goals, in compliance with its defined business values.
We ensure these alignments by:
Assessing the operating model, structure, processes, roles and accountabilities
- Does the organisation fulfil the corporate identity and its strategic intent?
- How much is it aligned with the defined business model and strategy?
- What are its strengths and weaknesses facing next challenges ahead ?
- How key stakeholders – customers, senior management, employeees, strategic partners, neighbouring community – evaluate the response of the organisation to their expectations?
- What should evolve and how to allow its success?
Enhancing the organisation in line with today's business strategy and tomorrow's challenges
- Adapt to new business needs
- Reinforce the attention and the services to customers / users
- Better master costs and improve efficiency
- Render the organisation agile, able to move its structure, shift accountabilities from one function to another, tackle new challenges.
Managing strategic changes
- New strategic priorities
- Reviewed business model
- Revenue growth, shift or erosion
- External business, technologic or regulatory changes.
With the target to simultaneously maintain and further enhance a good response to clients / users needs, and master deadlines, costs and risks.
Digitalising the business
- Identify its consequences and opportunities on the organisation, tools, management style and relationships with its eco-system
- Develop aligned target and phased operating model, structure, accountabilities, processes
- Design aligned human capital strategies as to competencies, leadership and performance & reward policies
- Plan, communicate and monitor the introduction of the new organisation.

a Critical Initiative ?
its Effectiveness and Impact ?
a Strategic Transformation ?
- The Business has continued to develop for years and may have already reached a high maturity stage
- It has become a key and respected player in its environment
- The Leadership Team’s focus is on maintaining / increasing the business presence, profitability or revenue in the strategy continuum that made its success to date.
and risks
Main risks are that the changes:
– Disrupt the currently “not-that-bad” delivery of products and services, and deteriorate the company’s reputation, quality and service.
– Is perceived as another effort and change required to employees, leading to staff disengagement and malfunctions – turnover, absenteeism, quality problems
– Is prepared and executed in silos, thus not reaching the expected overall return on investment.
- Aligning the organisation’s sizing and format to the new requirements: structure, processes, accountabilities, expceted competencies, headcounts
- Rendering the organisation agile so that it fits current needs and is prepared for the next ones, already ahead
- Seizing the opportunities of an information management layer aligned with the organisation – and vice-versa
- Developing more effective human capital management policies and schemes that better attract, retain and engage staff
- Planning, communicating and monitoring the deployment of these changes.
Businesses agilely suited to their environment
- The institution has reached a high maturity stage and is a leading player in its field
- Deep evolutions are taking place in the environment, significant risks and opportunities are anticipated or may already be materialising
- The Top Management wants to evaluate or has already decided to engage a strategic transformation by a review of such constituencies as its overall strategy, business model, products / services portfolio, geographical presence, internal organisation, partnerships and alliances – notably through a merger, acquisition, divestment or spin-off.
and risks
Main risks are:
- To focus too much on internal changes, losing clients and sight on its environment continuous movements
- To consider that the change is done when the top structure is designed, whereas the organisation is ready to operate when it is designed down to first level structure, transactional processes, individual accountabilities and human capital management policies aligned to the new context
- To mis-communicate to employees and other stakeholders, either not enough or a lot in terms of rationale corporate goals rather than on needed collective & individual emotional goals, leading to staff disengagement and departure of best employees.
- The evaluation of the situation and issues at stake, and the development of purposeful and budgeted organisational recommendations and scenarii
- The design and budgeting of the organisational changes taking into account business, legal and social impacts, and involving the management and employees in stages: operating model, structure, processes, accountabilities, headcounts, required competencies, information management systems and human capital management policies, supporting measures (e.g. redundancy plans)
- The planning, communication, implementation and monitoring of the new organisation.
Sustainably reshaped businesses
– The creation of the business / institution itself or of a new entity of an existing one
– A brand new product / service, policy, programme that the top management wants to introduce separately from the others
– Any other project, vital to the organisation.
and risks
Main risks are that the initiative:
– Diverts the company / business unit from the requirements of its day-to-day operations, leading to a deteriorated service to existing clients, lost revenue and dropped results
– Is staffed with resources with uneven availability, provoking delayed delivery, partial outputs and unexpected costs
– Underestimate the complexity and interactions with the rest of the organisation, bringing below-expectations outcomes and putting the rest of the business at risk.
- Defining its strategic intent, scope and operational models
- Elaborating its organisation, its management tools and the planning of its deployment
- Supporting the new organisation kick-off and monitoring up to cruise speed.
Critical initiatives bringing expected results